Eye coil with 6 channel TX/RX interface 8 channel Cervical Coil Occipital Transceiver Array RF Coil 23Na/1H Knee Coil X-nuclei/1H Head Coil EasyACT – a cardiac triggering/gating device 3.0T Mouse Body Coil 3.0T Rat Body Coil 9.4T Mouse Coil Customizable power splitter Coil interface Test-Box 1H MRI RF Coils From mouse to man Our MRI coils can provide solutions for your applications stretching through all field strengths for human MRI from 1.5 T to 7T and for animal imaging up to 9.4 T. The RF coils provide sensitivity and patient comfort needed to support your research or clinical applications. Feel free to contact us if you think you would need a custom built solution for your application. X-nuclei MRI RF Coils From mouse to man Our X-nuclei RF coils are tuned X-nuclei of your choice and the geometry is customized to suit your research and clinical needs and to provide sensitivity and patient comfort needed to support spectroscopy and imaging stretching through all field strengths for human MRI from 1.5 T to 7T and for animal imaging up to 9.4 T. Animal coils For human or animal scanners Our animal coils can be tailored to any desired animal size, shape and body part as well as to any scanner system and field strength from 1.5 T to 9.4 T and beyond. We can design animal handling cradles, support structures and apertures for air supply, anesthetization gas, animal heating, respiration and temperature monitoring. MRI Accessories Anything from 1.5T to 9.4T TX/RX-Interfaces, Power splitters, Coil/Interface Testing Equipment and customer tuned accessories e.g. animal positioning and handling, MR phantoms for 1.5T – 7T, etc. MRI Tools MRI tools Additional tools to complement your research in the MRI sciences, including educational kits for hands-on didactic immersion into the medical imaging technology sector. Phantoms for MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Our phantoms help to solve many unmet needs that you might face during MR pulse sequence testing or while characterizing RF coil arrays. The phantom's goemetry is always customized to your needs and the phantom is filled with the solution of your choice.